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Eugene Harrison Army

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Eugene Goodwin Harrison (Gene) - 4343 Views
honored by Penny & Candy Haaland- Nieces

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Assigned: Army Air Force TCC, 61st Wing, 805th
Highest Rank: Sergeant
Entered Service: 5/7/1943
Exited Service: 12/21/1945
Continental Service Length: 2 years, 7 months, 14 days
Location of Service: United States
Gender: male
Basic Training: Mississippi
Service Related Injury: Major injuries-C47 crash at George Field, Chanute, IL
Military Position: Paratrooper
Place of Separation: Scott Field, Illinois
From City: Selma
From State: Alabama
Current State: Alabama
Date of Birth: 01/1925
Date Deceased: 07/1991
My War Stories
  5/7/1943 Gene is inducted into military service at Ft. McClellan, AL. On 14 May he begins training at Sedalia Army Air Field in Missouri. He receives additional training at ACTS Keesler Field, Willow Run, and Ypsilanti, MI.
  2/14/1945 On 14 Feb 1945, Eugene was serving as Crew Chief on a training mission George Field, Chanute, IL. The C47A plane had propeller failure and crashed, killing the pilots and one crew member. Gene had major injuries but was able to pull another unconscious crew member, Jack Bowers, from the burning plane. They were taken to Allen Hospital, Robinson, IL.
  11/1945 Gene was issued the Soldier's Medal and received his Purple Heart Medal for actions and injuries received Feb 14, 1945 at Chanute Air Field in Illinois during the crash of a C47 on a routine training mission. The accident report is on file, along with the testimony of Eugene.
  12/21/1945 Eugene receives his honorable discharge, separation papers from the United States Army Air Corps. They are given at Scott Field, IL. ACU, Attached Detachment of Patients, AAF Regional Hospital, Scott Field, IL. Gene has served 2 years, 7 months and 17 days. He is issued his Ruptured Duck lapel pin. He was not able to return to his military service due to his injuries. This honorable service lapel pin was issued to deserving soldiers upon their separation from the military. It was meant to identify the soldier to other officers, that he was no longer under military requirements. He therefore did not have to salute, or take orders from any officers. The men were allowed to wear their uniforms for a limited time after separation in order to secure employment. Men in uniform had earned prestige and respect.

My War Awards
  • Army Soldiers Medal - Heroism (The Army Soldier’s Medal is awarded to any person who distinguished himself by heroism not involving actual conflict with an enemy. The same degree of heroism is required as for the award of the Distinguished Flying Cross. The performance must have involved personal hazard or danger and the voluntary risk of life under conditions not involving conflict with an armed enemy. Awards will not be made solely on the basis of having saved a life.)
  • Carbine Badge
  • Marksman Badge
  • Purple Heart Medal
  • Rifle Badge
  • Sharpshooter Badge