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  Vietnam September 1967  
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Robert "Bob" Heaney Coast Guard

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Robert "Bob" Heaney (Bob) - 1886 Views
honored by His children, Liz, Robert, Tim & family

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Assigned: USS LST 764
Highest Rank: Fireman First Class
Entered Service: 8/20/1943
Exited Service: 3/6/1946
Foreign Service Length: 2
Location of Service: Asiatic Pacific Area
Gender: male
Basic Training: NY, NY
Military Position: Fireman
Place of Separation: USCG Per Sep Ctr #3, Brooklyn, NY
From City: Dunellen
From State: New Jersey
Current City: Fountain Hills
Current State: Arizona
Date of Birth: 08/1925
My War Stories
  8/20/1943 Bob Heaney was accepted as an enlistee at the U.S. Coast Guard Recruiting Station, third Naval District, on the 20th of August, 1943, at the age of 17 yrs 11 months. Bob was inspired to enlist when his older brother Frank enlisted, but because he had not achieve the age of majority (18 yrs old) his parents had to give their consent for his enlistment. Bob was assigned to active duty at the Manhattan Beach Training Station where part of his duties included equestian shore patrol with a pay of $50 per month. On 11/27/43, Bob was transferred to Amphibious Training Base, Camp Bradford, Norfolk, VA for additional training, then on to USS LST 764 on 9/30/44. On 1/28/45 the USS LST 764 crossed the International Date Line.

My War Awards
  • American Campaign Medal - WW II
  • Asiatic Pacific Campaign Medal - WWII
  • Bronze Star Medal
  • Philippine Liberation Medal - World War II
  • World War II Victory Medal
My War Pictures
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  Bob Heaney, date unknown Bob Heaney, date unknown