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Armando Ramos Army

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Armando E Ramos (Manny) - 9156 Views
honored by Armando E. Ramos, Self

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Highest Rank: Sergeant First Class
Entered Service: 9/17/1992
Exited Service: 5/27/2011
Foreign Service Length: 5 years, 1 month
Location of Service: S. Korea, Saudi Arabia, Haiti, Germany, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq
Gender: male
Basic Training: Fort Leonard Wood, MO
Military Position: Medical Platoon Sergeant
Place of Separation: Fort Hood, TX
From City: Burbank
From State: California
Current City: Fort Mill
Current State: South Carolina
My War Awards
  • Army Achievement Medal (Task Force Senior Medic in Turkey in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom)
  • Army Commendation Medal (Combat Operations in Iraq)
  • Army Good Conduct Medal
  • Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal (Turkey (OIF, 2003))
  • Global War on Terrorism Service Medal (Post 9/11)
  • Humanitarian Service Medal (Haiti)
  • Iraq Campaign Medal (2005-2006)
  • Joint Service Achievement Medal (MEPS)
  • Korea Defense Service Medal (1993-1994, Camp Casey, 2nd Infantry Division)
  • National Defense Service Medal (GWOT)
  • Overseas Service (S. Korea (1993-1994), Saudi Arabia (1994), Haiti (1995), Germany (2002-2004), Turkey (2003), Kuwait/Iraq (2005-2006))
  • Southwest Asia Service Medal (Operation Vigilant Warrior, 1994)
My War Pictures
Click on the pictures to enlarge.
  Camp Echo, Iraq Camp Echo, Iraq Taken before a convoy security mission in Iraq Taken before a convoy security mission in Iraq MOUT training at Camp Pendleton, CA, 1997 MOUT training at Camp Pendleton, CA, 1997
  Warrior Base near the Korean DMZ, 1993 Warrior Base near the Korean DMZ, 1993 On an R&S Patrol in Iraq On an R&S Patrol in Iraq Camp/FOB Duke outside of Najaf, Iraq Camp/FOB Duke outside of Najaf, Iraq
  Fort Hood, TX, Summer 2005. Fort Hood, TX, Summer 2005. FOB Kalsu, Iraq FOB Kalsu, Iraq