Yes I was an American Red Cross veteran. I served for about 29 years station all over the world. I do remember when I went to Vietnam it was a long trip it was about 22 hours from the states in an Army plane. I took all of my winter coats with me. During the Vietnam war I did see some combat in the frontline. In Vietnam I remember that it took me two weeks to find this serviceman to tell him that his dad died. I always remember that Air Force had the best food. In Vietnam there were couple of shows where comedians, musicians, or even the president came in Vietnam. On post had movies theaters that played some of the recent movies. I remember in Vietnam it was my birthday and my aunt from California baked me a cake instead of wrapping it in plastic. She wrapped it in popcorn and of course I ate it because it was my birthday.
In Bosnia I had to learn a lot about land mines. Desert Storm I was with the troops. In Germany I remember young soldiers bringing their wives with them but the government wasn't sponsoring them. I remember there was this one soldier that tried to bring his wife with him but she knew no English at all. I did get several awards from my base commanders. I did write to my wife and kids telling them how I was doing and telling them how the war is doing. In some areas that I went to there were chapels that I went to. There were tapes that we brought with us or that our love ones sent us. I remember having a deck of cards with me or if I lost mine then another soldier would have a set.
After my 29 years of service I made a lot of friends. My job was good and enjoyable. I loved to travel a lot with my job. I did a lot more golfing after my service years and turned into a honey doer. A honey doer is when you ask your wife to do something for you. I was a teacher before the war but I didn't go back to teaching. I did volunteer at the American Red Cross even though I retired. I did setup this big parade after the Siberia war. I did walk in this parade. I have to say it's great to be an American.