He joined to get his military obligation over with. Back then we they had a draft, he didnt want to get drafted so he joined when he wanted to. He wanted to get it over with before he was married and had kids. The recruiter really talked him into it by covering some of his interest.
He was in a classified branch where they couldnt talk about what they knew. His unit averaged about one death per month because of mental issues because they couldnt handle the stress of the job.
Co. grade officers were a pain in the ass. They were always trying to make rank by being hard ass army guys. Fuel grade officers were easier to along with and talk to. They were older and didnt worry about efficiency reports. If he didnt like a co grade officer he would encode a message they couldnt decipher but had to sign. The message portrayed them as an idiot and they would be busted and lose there rank.