Terry E. McDermott enlisted into the army in order to get college money to became a teacher. |
He did his training in Ft. Bragg North Carolina. He decided to go into the Army also because he was tired of delivering pizzas. He picked the Amry branch because it offered the most and it gave him exactly what he wanted. He says he recalls the first day he got to the camp. " I was kind of nervious, i wasnt one to take gettin yelled at very well," Terry says. What was it like there for the first few weeks of your training? "Its almost like your living in hell its self." |
Terry was involved in two wars, The Bulcan War, and The Basnian War. He has been to Ukraine, Iraland, Germany, Kosovo, Basnia and Nova Scotia. Terry was the Team Leader in his Platoon. He has seen combat. terry can remember his most memorable experiences while in the Army. "The most memorabvle is this first time i jumped out of a plane it was a major ush but fun! The second most memorable would be the fist time i got shot at." Terry has been awarded many medals and sitations like the Army comindation Medal and the NATO Ribbon. |
While terry was over seas his family was back home praying he came home safe. He says that the way he kept in touch was the old fashioned way writing letters to each family member. In the military Terry said that he had enough essentials in order for him to stay alive. Terry says that he never once felt pressured or stressed about being over there because it was his choice. The thing he did for luck was wear a cross around his neck. " Most of the things i did over there was read and listen to music.....not uch else to do except protect your self from getting shot." |
Terry was a Flight jumper just about his whole carrer in the military, on his last jump Terry had an accedent and twisted his back, putting him out of the service. Terry says he can still remember that day very clearly. In a army hospital terry was told he had to leave the military. "If your injury never happend would you still be there?" " Yes, I had no problem with being there, it was a good thing for me." After he was done terry went on to Devry University on his G.I. bill and became a teacher at Westerville Central High School and he is still there today. |