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Today in Military History (July)
Joined: 02/12/2008
Posts: 346 Ohio
Post what you know happened on This Day in Military History during the month of July.

7/1/2009 5:51:03 PM | Edit

7/1/2009 5:50:21 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
July 1, 1853

Battle of Gettysburg begins in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The Battle of Gettysburg is the most famous battle of the Civil War because of it had the most casualties and essentially ended Confederate General Lee’s march north. The battle lasted three days before Lee had to retreat because of high casualties. The Union claimed a major victory in all newspapers after the battle and became moral breaker for the South. The Battle of Gettysburg was no doubt the turning point of the Civil War for the North and against the South.

7/2/2009 4:17:47 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
July 2, 1937

Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan disappeared on this day on their attempt to fly around the world. To this day no one knows what happened and there are numerous conspiracy theories out there. Earhart and Noonan after 22,000 miles of flying with the only Pacific Ocean to cross were unable to navigate to Howland Island. They used radio transmission with a Navy ship navigate but was unsuccessful. With fuel running low the Electra crash landed somewhere near Howland Island.

7/3/2009 10:11:45 AM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
July 3, 1988

USS Vincennes (CG-49) mistakenly shot down an Iranian airliner over the Persian Gulf killing everyone on board. The USS Vincennes believed it was an attacking aircraft while the Iranian government believes it was on purpose. The US Government stands behind its decision today but did pay a settlement in an international court with Iran.

7/4/2009 11:27:39 AM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
July 4, 1776

Declaration of Independence is approved by the second continental congress. July 2, 1776 is the actual day congress agreed on independence and many members of congress did not actually sign it until August 1776. Thomas Jefferson the author of the declaration and John Addams one of the integral people in independence both signed the Declaration of Independence, both became President of the United States and both died on the 50th anniversary July 4, 1826.

7/5/2009 10:10:41 AM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
July 5, 1861

Battle of Carthage in Missouri is fought. This would become the first real battle of the Civil War. The battle was fought over if Missouri should succeed to the confederacy. The battle had little meaning but the claimed victory for the South gave Southern supporters a moral victory. The battle did mark the only time a State Governor led troops into battle against its own union.

7/6/2009 6:39:23 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
July 6, 1747

John Paul Jones was born on this day. He is often referred to as the father of the United States Navy for his actions during the American Revolution. Jones was born in Scotland and became very ambitious at a young age. After year on slave ships, Jones settled in the Colonies and saw and opportunity to join the Continental Navy in 1775 before it really existed. The Navy had virtually no wars ships and even less experienced men to run them. As the British ruled the waters, Jones became very ambitious and took the fight solo to Great Britain itself where Jones knew the waters very well. For the first time in 700 years the mainland was attacked and Jones took out ships and captured ports bringing the war to the people for the first time.

7/7/2009 5:09:50 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
July 7, 1777

Battle of Hubbardton took place on this day in history. Only battle of the Vermont area was fought during the American Revolution. Americans were retreating from Ft. Ticonderoga when the British ran into the rear of the American forces. The British attacked but suffered high casualties before the Americans left the area and British did not pursue.

7/8/2009 9:50:57 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
July 8, 1918

On this day Ernest Hemingway at 18 years of age was wounded. Hemingway was working for the Red Cross in Italy when he was driving and hit a mortar. Hemingway was very lucky to survivor as one man did not. His war experiences would influence his writing in later years.

7/9/2009 5:45:58 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
July 9, 1918

Act of Congress establishes the Distinguished Service Cross. This is the second highest medal below the Medal of Honor which can be awarded in the United States Army. The Navy, Air Force and Marines have the same medal but a slightly different name. This medal is awarded to men who risk their lives in combat which goes above and beyond other military awards.

7/10/2009 8:32:12 AM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
July 10, 1938

Howard Hughes sets a record for flying around the world in just 91 hours. Hughes smashes the previous record by 4 days. Hughes flew a Lockheed Super Electra to set the record.

7/11/2009 9:06:33 AM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
July 11, 1945

The Soviet Union agrees to hand over power in West Berlin to the allies. What was supposed to be a temporary dvision in Germany became a permanent one for decades.

7/12/2009 8:36:11 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
July 12, 1965

Frank Reasoner was the first Marine to be awarded the Medal of Honor. Unfortunately he had to give his life to earn the award in Vietnam. He was part of 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion and his forces were cut off by the enemy, he killed Viet Cong and took out a machine gun to save his men before he was killed.

7/13/2009 5:07:17 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
July 13, 100 BC

Gaius Julius Caesar was born on this day. He was a brilliant Roman military leader who’s popularity thrust him into politics and the creation of the Roman Empire. Caesar ambitions created a civil war in Rome with senators choosing sides, Caesar would win the war but the dictatorship was not liked by the passed over senators. Caesar would be assassinated on the Ides of March 44BC by Brutus and the senators on the senate floor. The goal was to restore the republic but instead created another civil war because the common people loved Caesar, which his ancestor Octavian would establish a permanent dictatorship with the opportunity along with Mark Antony’s help.

7/14/2009 7:50:37 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
July 14, 1974

Carl Spaatz died on this day at the age of 83. He was a graduate of West Point, served in World War I as a pilot. In World War II Spaatz became an integral part of Allied Air Forces in all theaters. He became the first Air Force Chief of Staff.

7/15/2009 8:05:22 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
July 15, 1948

On this day John Pershing died at the age of 87. Pershing held the highest rank as General of the Armies. His exploits setup the next generation of Generals in World War II. Pershing graduated from West Point, served in numerous Indian Campaigns, Spanish American Wars, and World War I. Pershing is also known for his failed attempts at capturing Pancho Villa.

7/16/2009 5:18:32 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
July 16, 1945

First atom bomb explodes bringing success to the Manhattan Project. The Manhattan Project began in 1940 on a shoestring budget but as World War II progressed the budget became unlimited. Robert J. Oppenheimer, Albert Einstein, Edward Teller, and Fermi were some of the geniuses that solved the nuclear fission problem for the United States.

7/17/2009 4:14:45 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
July 17, 1945

The major Allies of World War II meet near Potsdam near Berlin to settle war time concerns. Harry Truman, Joseph Stalin, and Winston Churchill would attend. The Soviet Union and United States were suspicious of each other and nothing really came of the meeting. This would be the last meeting between the super powers and the war would be over in less than a month.

7/18/2009 10:42:11 AM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
July 18, 1921

John Glenn is born on this day. After Pearl Harbor in 1941 and an unsuccessful enlistment tin the Army, Glen entered the Navy’s aviation program as he had already at this time has his private pilot’s license. During World War II Glenn flew 59 combat missions in the Pacific flying the F4U Corsair. He then went to fly 63 combat missions in the Korean War flying the F9F Panther. He also flew missions in the F86 Sabre earning victories over Migs. Glenn would go to be a test pilot and later became part of NASA’s Mercury 7. Glenn would go to be a US Senator from Ohio and then at the age of 77 flew on the Space Shuttle.

7/19/2009 1:37:51 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
July 19, 1943

On this day the United States bombs Rome, Italy. Mussolini had convinced Italians no one would dare bomb the majestic city so numerous people sought the protection inside the city’s gates. The United States chose to bomb railways lines to suede the Italians to switch sides but that would not endanger historical places.

7/20/2009 4:37:51 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
July 20, 1948

In World War II 16 million American’s served but as soon as the war ended, demobilization started immediately. On this day President Truman issued a peace time draft which required 10 million men to register, this was due to the huge Soviet threat and the small army that the United States had after World War II was won. Truman thought that a threat was imminent and in just two years the Korean War broke out.

7/21/2009 8:22:20 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
July 21, 1997

The USS Constitution sails under her own power for the first time in decades. The USS Constitution is launched by George Washington in 1797 and it currently the world’s oldest commissioned ship located in Boston, Massachusetts .from 1993 to 1997 the USS Constitution was restored for its 200th birthday. The ship was last restored in 1925. The ship became infamous in the war of 1812 defeating many British ships.

7/22/2009 6:40:24 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
July 22, 1923

Bob Dole is born on this day. Most famously known for his almost thirty years of service in the Senate, Dole was badly injured during World War II. Bob Dole joined the Army in 1942 in the infamous 10th Mountain Division and served in Italy. In nearly the last month of the war Dole was severely injured by machine gun fire and was feared to be dead. After several years of recovery and a paralyzed right arm Dole quickly started his political career.

7/23/2009 5:31:36 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
July 23, 1885

Ulysses S. Grant dies on this day at the age of 63. Grant was the leading General for the Union in the Civil War. Because of his success he was elected to two terms as the President of the United States. Due to corruption and poor decisions Grant was not re-elected and is often referred to as one of the less favorable Presidents.

7/24/2009 1:46:17 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
July 24, 1959

One of the infamous encounters of the Cold War occurred in Moscow. Known as the Kitchen Debate, VP Richard Nixon and Nikita Khrushchev had a tempered debate over capitalism and communism. The incident took place in an exhibition where the Soviets came to NY and the US went to Moscow for some cultural learning. The showpiece US home exhibit setup by the US in Moscow included a TV which sparked comments by Khrushchev as to what the US media was feeding the American people about the Soviets. The main debate took place in the kitchen where numerous reporters took notes for the hot story.

7/25/2009 10:35:21 AM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
July 25, 1943

On this day a vote of “no confidence” is made towards Benito Mussolini removing the fascist dictator from power by the Grand Council. With the war seemingly lost in Italy support for the Axis powers had waned and Mussolini himself did not object. As Robert Sterchie said, “the Italians were lovers not fighters.” Do a search for Robert Sterchie on to read his biography.

7/26/2009 10:27:51 AM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
July 26, 1863

Sam Houston died on this day at the age of 70. His father served in the American Revolution and he served in the War of 1812. Houston fought the British and its Indian allies. He was wounded several times by bullets and arrows. Houston volunteered to Andrew Jackson to dislodge the red sticks which later established a friendship between the two. As a veteran Houston would enter politics first in Tennessee and then in Texas. Sam Houston would be instrumental the Texas Independence and the settlement of Houston.

7/27/2009 5:24:10 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
July 27, 2003

Bob Hope dies at the age of 100. Bob Hope was an instrumental figure in United Service Organization (USO) which goal is essentially to entertain troops keep up moral as they fight for our freedom. Hope was part of the USO for 60 years and more often than not World War II veterans will say that they saw Bob Hope while they were in service. Hope was even declared an “Honorary Veteran” by President Clinton.

7/28/2009 7:39:48 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
July 28, 1945

B-25 Mitchell crashed into the Empire State Building. William was the pilot and lost his bearings in thick fog. The crash took place between the 79th and 80th floor. 14 people died and most of the building was open the next business day.

7/29/2009 5:01:13 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
July 29, 1967

The USS Forrestal Aircraft Carrier CV-59 caught on fire this day. After just a few days of launching planes to bomb North Vietnam a rocket misfired and knocked a few tank off a plane which then the fuel caught on fire. The tragedy killed 134 sailors.

7/30/2009 6:14:07 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
July 30, 1915

Battle of Hooge in Belguim. Known as the introduction of the flame flower to the battlefield terrorized British soldiers. The Germans successfully used this new technology to push the British out of the town. The weapon had much more a psychological effect than actually burning the enemy soldiers.

7/31/2009 8:30:35 AM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
July 31, 1816

George H. Thomas a lesser known Union General of the Civil war was born on this day. Thomas was a Virginian and served with Lee during some campaigns. When Virginia succeeded he decided to stay with the Union, leading to his entire family to disown him and the Union to not embrace him. Even through his struggle Thomas stayed true to the Union and led many successful battles in the Western front.