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Today in Military History (September)
Joined: 02/12/2008
Posts: 346 Ohio
Post what you know happened on This Day in Military History during the month of September.

9/2/2009 8:19:01 PM | Edit

9/2/2009 8:28:07 PM

Joined: 02/12/2008
Posts: 346 Ohio
September 1, 1939

George C. Marshall is sworn as in the Army Chief of Staff. Even though Marshall never led in combat he was a formidable leader who inspired his subordinates. He very successfully led the largest US military buildup in history and quickly modernizing it. He took a couple hundred thousand men Army to over 8 million in just a few years. Marshall would go onto be Secretary of State, and Secretary of Defense. He achieved General of the Army which is the highest rank.

9/3/2009 2:17:26 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
September 2, 1969

Ho Chi Minh died on this day. He was the founder of the Vietnamese Communist revolution and lead North Vietnam against South Vietnam from 1941 to his death. Six years after his death the North Vietnamese would successfully conquer South Vietnam. He became more of a presidential figurehead later in his career but was revered by his constitutes. Ho Chi Minh at early age travelled to the US, England, France, China, Soviet Union where he would learn and embrace communism.

9/3/2009 2:17:32 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
September 3, 1939

On this day France and Britain declare war on Germany and thus World War II becomes official. Italy, Japan, and Germany would strengthen its march while the Soviet Union would invade Poland. The United States would enter in 1941, millions would die and the world would be changed forever.

9/4/2009 3:39:30 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
September 4, 1974

General Creighton Abrams died on this day. He graduated from West Point and gained notoriety in World War II after showing his expertise commanding armored divisions. The M1 Abrams main battle tank takes his name. Abrams went on to server in Korea, Vietnam, and Chief of Staff.

9/6/2009 11:01:40 AM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
September 5, 1939

Franklin D. Roosevelt declares the United States neutrality after Germany invades Poland. The Netrality Patrol convened the isolationist tendencies of the country after World War I. However it was the beginning of the United States entrance into World War II until Pearl Harbor made it official. The Patrol prompted the protection of British merchant ships and the buildup of the Navy.

9/6/2009 11:01:46 AM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
September 6, 1945

John Sidney McCain Sr, the grandfather of current Arizona senator John S. McCain III died on this day. Along with his father and generations after him, the McCain’s would serve their country. McCain Sr was a Navy Admiral during World War II in the pacific. He was known for pioneering aircraft tactics and strategy. McCain would oversee the Japanese surrender in Tokyo Bay upon orders. He immediately left for home and died 4 days later in California. Combat stress and fatigue has worn him down to 100 pounds.

9/7/2009 9:47:40 AM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
September 7, 1940

On this day Hitler begins 57 days of terror over Britain. After France quickly fell to the Germans they thought Britain would do the same but they underestimated the will of the British people. After a land invasion was ruled out, the blitz began in an effort to bomb London into submission. However with a two front war and the United states feeding Britain, Hitler was unable to win the Battle of Britain and knock out the Royal Air Force.

9/8/2009 12:12:26 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
September 8, 2003

Sometimes the pen or in this case the video camera is mightier than the sword. Leni Riefenstahl died on this day, arguably known as the creator of the most successful propaganda films in history of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party in the 1930’s. Triumph of the Will was her greatest accomplishment and also doomed her career after World War II because of her friendship with Hitler and the propaganda it enforced. She is sometimes called the greatest female filmmaker for her legendary skills but the Nazi label will always put her in perspective. Riefenstahl was never convicted of a crime and continuously denied any wrongdoing but her involvement in World War II cannot be denied and so forever she will have played a role as a Nazi supporter.

9/9/2009 8:12:27 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
September 9, 2003

Edward Teller died on this day. He is known as the father of the hydrogen bomb. Teller played a role on the Manhattan project of World War II. In 1950 joined the team to beat the Russians to develop the hydrogen bomb. Teller was a impatient with progress and often rifted with other scientist. In the end he is the one who gets the most credit. He is also known for testifying against Robert Oppenheimer security clearance when Oppenheimer turned away from promoting such devastating weapons, teller lost lots of colleagues. Teller would be a huge proponent of civilian and military uses of nuclear power in very ambitious ways.

9/10/2009 10:37:08 AM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
September 10, 2004

Keel laid down on USS New York (LPD-21). The San Antonio-class amphibious transport was named after the victims of September 11th. Tons of the World Trade Centers towers were used to create the bow section of the ship in Louisiana. Name came was suggested by Governor George E. Pataki to Secretary of the Navy Gordon England. Two sister ships will be named after the places the other 9-11 flights crashed.

9/11/2009 11:20:08 AM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
September 11, 2001

A day that will live in infamy as the Word Trade Center Towers fell and in history much like Pearl Harbor has. The events of one day led to an immediate change in the United States foreign policy and its military. An immediate build up began and soon Americans would be fighting their first large scale war since the Gulf War in 1991 but with a much smaller force. The war on terrorism would start in Afghanistan and two years later put us in Iraq, fighting two gorilla wars. The Vietnam War and other wars before it have provided the path to victory but our leaders have been slow to learn from the annuals of history.

9/12/2009 9:33:44 AM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
September 12, 1990

In 1945 the United States, Soviet Union, England, and France all agreed to break apart Germany into zones. These zones were meant to be temporary but soon the cold war would take over and the zones would create West (Democratic) and East (Communist) Germany. So nearly half a century later with the fall of the Soviet Union, the former allied powers, Soviet Union and East/West Germany make an agreement to unify Germany once again for the first time since World War II. The Berlin wall would come down.

9/13/2009 9:30:53 AM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
September 13, 1860

John J. Pershing was born on this day. General of the Armies Pershing holds the highest rank in the military but a congressional edict in 1976 said that George Washington could not be outranked and therefore was promoted higher than Pershing. While in West Point Pershing quickly made notice and rose in ranks quickly. Pershing participated in the Indian Wars, Spanish and American War, chasing Pancho Villa and finally a General in World War I were he made his mark. Many World War II leaders use Pershing as an example of how to lead.

9/14/2009 4:33:10 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
September 14, 1944

Operation Stalemate is launched in the Pacific. Peleliu was invaded against the recommendation of Admiral Halsey who said it was unnecessary for the Philippine invasion which later became true. In one of the bloodiest battle of the war, the Marines would lose over 9,000 men on the tiny island against a very fortified Japanese army. Peleliu would be a precursor to Okinawa and the huge amount of life Japan would sacrifice to the last man. Eugene Sledge would keep a journal of the Marine Corps fighting and make Peleliu infamous for the Marine heroism and tragedies. It would also show the affects of post traumatic distress disorder.

9/15/2009 10:23:52 AM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
September 15, 1946

Oliver Stone was born on this day. Most people recognize Stone as a controversial movie director but he served one tour in Vietnam in 1968. He also directed Platoon in 1986. Oliver Stone served in the Army 1st Calvary and 25th Infantry Division. He was awarded a Purple Heart and Bronze Star among others.

9/16/2009 11:57:48 AM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
September 16, 1919

American Legion is officially recognized by Congress. The American Legion was formed when World War I veterans were returning from overseas. The American Legion is responsible for advocating for veterans benefits and support both at a local level and nationwide. Local American Legion’s organize events, hold meetings, and maintain community support for veterans. The American Legion is for veterans who have served at least one day of active duty during periods of conflict designated by the U.S.

9/17/2009 3:17:58 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
September 17, 1944

Operation Market Garden is the largest airborne operation in history. The operation was an allied offensive in the Netherlands and Germany during World War II. The Operation ended up being a miserable failure and the allies had to withdraw within about a week. Germany’s forces were underestimated and key bridges could not be taken as planned. Too much confidence and the thought that the ‘war would be over by Christmas’ plagued military leaders. The objectives set forth would only be delayed more when Germany’s counter offensive started the Battle of the Bulge in the ensuing months.

9/18/2009 11:19:02 AM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
September 18, 1960

Fidel Castro comes to New York for the United Nations delegation. Castro turned his visit into a production against the United States government condemning it in every way possible. This would be the straw the broke the camel’s back and has severed relations ever since. Castro had just come to power with the help of the US in 1959 and soon became a dictator while pushing out the United States. The administration was thinking that Cuba was going to go communism and soon the Bay of Pigs would occur under JFK. In true irony and the reason why it is so important to study history, the new leader of Cuba Raul Castro has been granted a US visa for the United Nations delegation, lets see what happens this time.

9/19/2009 8:50:34 AM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
September 19, 1864

Colonel George S. Patton was killed during the battle of Opequon. This was General Patton of World War II’s grandfather. General Patton was the third George S. Patton and the Patton name has become legendary in its service to its country. Colonel Patton was part of the confederate army in the Civil War, the battle marked a turning point in favor of the North.

9/20/2009 9:35:40 AM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
September 20, 1943

World War II Operation Source is executed by the British. In an effort to sink the mighty German battleship Tirpitz. The Tirpitz was so revolutionary and large that Winston Churchill was very afraid of it and positioned his entire resources to eliminating it. After numerous failed raids against the Tirpitz in 1942, the British would finally execute a plan to their liking. Midget subs attacked the Tirpitz while it was in Norwegian water and successfully hitting the target and decommissioning it for 6 months. Although the Tirpitz was an extraordinary battleship it only fired its guns one time but it probably was still a success as the British were so fixated on it.

9/21/2009 12:07:28 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
September 21, 1942

B-29 Superfortress makes its maiden flight on this day. The B-29 was a heavy bomber that was revolutionary for its time. Like many aircraft in World War II it was quickly designed, tested, and put into service whereas it takes the military decades to put new planes into service. The Superfortress did not make it into service until May 1944 but nonetheless had a huge impact on World War II, primarily in the Pacific against the Japanese. One of the main features of the B-29 was a pressurized cabin which meant that the flight crew did not have their heads hanging out the window like they did in the B-17 and B-24. The B-29 carried the atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. During World War II some allied crews had to make some emergency landings in the Soviet Union and the Soviets took this opportunity to intern them. Stalin was obsessed with the B-29 and its nuclear capabilities, he ordered Tupolev to reverse engineer them down to the tiniest detail. The U.S. panicked over the new capability to hit the U.S. mainland on one way missions but technology soon outpaced the B-29, by 1960 the bombers were virtually obsolete by both the Soviets and Americans. But the Soviet experience of engineering there B-29 in three years thrust their strategic bomber campaign on par with the Americans.

9/22/2009 5:36:02 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
September 22, 1862

President Abraham Lincoln announces that the direction of the Civil War was about slaves and issues the Emancipation Proclamation. Now the Emancipation Proclamation would not be official with states in rebellion until January 1, 1863 but would set the course for the United States being free. Since the British were anti-slavery this put the North in favor and helped isolate the South where the North could just outlast them and their resources.

9/23/2009 5:24:54 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
September 23, 1949

The Soviets have exploded a nuclear bomb makes it presence known to the American public. President Truman in a low key tactic announces the news which creates a stir among the Government as they believed the day was years away. The Soviets had numerous spies in the United States and procured German Scientists which allowed them to greatly increase their ability to create the bomb. The next race would become the hydrogen bomb.

9/24/2009 3:38:59 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
September 24, 1929

Jimmy Doolittle made the first all instrument flight on this day. Doolittle would become the pioneer for all instrument flying, meaning that the pilot could fly in most weather conditions and never look outside. This spurred another generation of planes and possibilities. Airlines now had the potential to fly in all weather and so did the military. Instrument flying would be taken to a entire new level in World War II and today with the latest navigation equipment planes can fly itself all based on its instruments.

9/25/2009 12:59:00 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
September 25, 1957

Brown versus Board of Education of Topeka ruled that segregation of schools was unconstitutional. So when nine black students wanted to enter an all white school in Little Rock, Arkansas racial tensions escalated. Governor Faubus used the National Guard to surround the school going against the supreme court ruling. President Eisenhower stepped in and sent 1,000 Army 101st Airborne Paratroopers to escort the black students. It would not be until more than a decade later before Little Rock would become fully integrated.

9/26/2009 9:01:49 AM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
September 26, 1820

Daniel Boone died on this day. Boone was known as a folk hero to the United States for his exploits in hunting and exploration. Daniel Boone fought the American Revolutionary War in Kentucky as a militiaman. Kentucky was not a main battlefront in the American Revolution as it was outside the 13 colonies so most of the fighting was against the American Settlers and Native American’s allied with the British. Boone was even captured by an Indian tribe but later escaped. Because of a book on Boone’s exploits he became a legend and was even elected to the Virginia General Assembly.

9/27/2009 10:07:28 AM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
September 27, 1991

The B-52 Stratofortress is taken off of 24-hour Strategic Air Command alert duty as the cold war wines down. In the heart of the cold war during the 1960’s for three decades the B-52 was the United States nuclear deterrent against the Russians along with land based missiles and submarines. As the Soviet Union came down so did the alert levels, as part of many arms reduction treaties many B-52’s were destroyed. There are around 76 of the 744 B-52’s built by 1962 still active. The B-52 has the potential to being the longest serving aircraft of all time, possibly even 8 years according to USAF plans.

9/28/2009 1:18:59 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
September 28, 1918

In an alleged incident a British soldier spares the life of Adolf Hitler. Although there is no 100% positive evidence that this event took place all data suggests that it did. Hitler was wounded in a French Village and when Private Henry Tandey declined to shoot him, it would change the events of the World forever. A painting was made of the incident and Hitler was known to have a copy of the painting and made a reference to it actually happening. Just image how much the world would be different with World War II as it happened. Would the US still become a super power and how long would the depression have lasted.

9/29/2009 4:10:06 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
September 29, 1780

On this day British spy John Andre is sentenced to death. Andrea was an accomplice of Benedict Arnold and was captured before Arnold. Once Arnold found out, he immediately fled to the British. George Washington respected Andre and tried to trade him for Arnold but in the end Washington ordered him to be hung instead of shot like he had requested.

9/30/2009 8:25:37 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
September 30, 1949

After 15 months and hundreds of thousands of flights the Berlin Airlift ends. Since West Berlin was in the Soviet controlled territory there was no way to get into the city and the Soviets knew it. In order to force communist’s demands upon West Berlin the Soviets blockaded the city, in response the allies began the Berlin Airlift, flying in every supply that was needed for a major city on a daily basis. It was a daunting task but if worked, the Soviets looked like bullies and the allies looked like saviors.