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Bougainville - Solomons- 1943 U.S. Airstrips
Joined: 11/22/2011
Posts: 0 Kansas
Yes, I am looking for anyone with any info about Bougainville around 1943. My father was a AM2 aircraft metalsmith. I am trying to research his time on Bougainville and Papua New Guinea. I have a lot of pictures and war momentos to share with anyone who would like to see them. I am particulary interested in a flag of my fathers. It is a captured japanese flag with signatures and a characture of president Rooosevelt drawn in the corner. I think it came from one of the japanese airstrips on Bougainville. Any help will be appreciated. - Sincerely , son of WW2 Veteran

11/22/2011 11:02:15 PM | Edit