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William T.Bentley sr.
William T.Bentley sr. - 11922 Views

City: Stanley
Date Joined: 2/24/2010 6:04:41 PM

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Added: 2/24/2010
Times Viewed: 98449
Armando E. Ramos
Armando E. Ramos

Added: 5/19/2012
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  Calvin mccarver at Ft Lewis Washington 1968 3rd armored cav. regiment Calvin mccarver at Ft Lewis Washington 1968  3rd armored cav. regiment This is c battery 1st battalion 27th field artillery king of battle assigned to 23rd artillery group at fire support base Washington. I was there April 69 until nov 69 then we moved to DauTieng where i stayed until Jan 10,70. Had i known how my future was going to be i would have reenlisted and stayed right there. My wife and i were divorced less than a year after i got home. This is c battery 1st battalion 27th field artillery king of battle assigned to 23rd artillery group at fire support base Washington. I was there April 69 until nov 69 then we moved to DauTieng where i stayed until Jan 10,70. Had i known how my future was going to be i would have reenlisted and stayed right there. My wife and i were divorced less than a year after i got home. There must have been a change of command before i arrived. The battery commander was Cpt. Tulley when i was there in 69. I know that name very well because he busted me 3 wks before my deros date. c btry 1/27. There must have been a change of command before i arrived. The battery commander was Cpt. Tulley when i was there in 69. I know that name very well because he busted me 3 wks before my deros date.   c btry  1/27.
  This looks like the very office where Cpt busted me to private 3rd class. C btry 1/27. This looks like the very office where Cpt busted me to private 3rd class.     C btry 1/27. Command headquarters i think. c btry 1/27 Command headquarters i think.       c btry 1/27 I don't know what this office is. C btry 1/27 I don't know what this office is.    C btry 1/27
  The fire direction center,I know the faces but can't remember the names. c btry 1/27 The fire direction center,I know the faces but can't remember the names.    c btry 1/27 These guys in fdc are responsable for where the round impacts. If it is a short round friendly's could end up on the receiving end resulting in friendly fire casualties. c btry 1/27 These guys in fdc are responsable for where the round impacts. If it is a short round friendly's could end up on the receiving end resulting in friendly fire casualties.  c btry 1/27 taken in VietNam November,1969 at fire base croke (Calvin Mccarver @Dave Van Der sluis) A BTRY 7TH BN 11TH ARTY taken in VietNam November,1969 at fire base croke (Calvin Mccarver @Dave Van Der sluis)     A  BTRY 7TH BN 11TH ARTY
  Get it right dude lives are depending on you C btry 1/27th arty fire direction center. Get it right dude lives are depending on you     C btry  1/27th arty fire direction center. Fire direction center relaying info to guns for fire mission c btry 1/27th arty Fire direction center relaying info to guns for fire mission  c btry 1/27th arty All photos of 1st bn. 27th arty were taken from the 1968 vietnam year book. Look at the g.i. at the corner of the table. Just a young boy forced to become a man. In the end this would all be for nothing. All photos of 1st bn. 27th arty were taken from the 1968 vietnam year book. Look at the g.i. at the corner of the table. Just a young boy forced to become a man. In the end this would all be for nothing.
  Getting a hair cut. This guy could cut a flattop with a comb and scissors. When he came out with that straight razor one didn't know if he was going to shave your neck or slit your throat. Getting a hair cut. This guy could cut a flattop with a comb and scissors. When he came out with that straight razor one didn't know if he was going to shave your neck or slit your throat. waiting for fire mission Taken at Dau Tieng Dec. 1969 C btry 1/27 arty. waiting for fire mission  Taken at Dau Tieng Dec. 1969 C btry 1/27 arty. c btry 1st bn 27 arty mess hall. gota say they had some good chow for what they had to work with. c btry 1st bn 27 arty mess hall. gota say they had some good chow for what they had to work with.
  c btry 1/27 mess hall had some good cooks. This one got in some trouble and they treated him like cool hand luke. Dig me a hole, not there over here now fill that one up. c btry 1/27 mess hall had some good cooks. This one got in some trouble and they treated him like cool hand luke. Dig me a hole, not there over here now fill that one up. C btry 1/27th mess hall 1968. Ican't tell who this is one of our cooks. C btry 1/27th mess hall 1968. Ican't tell who this is one of our cooks. These guys are supposed to be verifying the ammo count but idon't see any ammo to verify. These guys are supposed to be verifying the ammo count but idon't see any ammo to verify.
  It just wouldn't do for one of these babys to be out of working order during a fire mission. Untelling where that round might land. It just wouldn't do for one of these babys to be out of working  order during a fire mission. Untelling where that round might land. C btry 1/27th XO checking the lay of the btry. The XO here looks like the XO that David Bowen assaulted one after with his m16. He was then transfered to b btry. Now i know that this is not the XO that i thought he was. this is LT. Craig norman from Charlotte NC. C btry 1/27th XO checking the lay of the btry. The XO here looks like the XO that David Bowen assaulted one after with his m16. He was then transfered to b btry. Now i know that this is not the XO that i thought he was. this is LT. Craig norman from Charlotte NC. 1st section c btry 1st bn 27 arty. My section. The man bent over right is Sgt. Larry Jones from Dallas,Texas. I gave him a hard time but i really did like him i just didn't let him know that. Sgt. Jones was a good man and a good SGT. 1st section c btry 1st bn 27 arty. My section. The man bent over right is Sgt. Larry Jones from Dallas,Texas. I gave him a hard time but i really did like him i just didn't let him know that. Sgt. Jones was a good man and a good SGT.
  Picture taken in Viet Nam fire base croke October 1969 Picture taken in Viet Nam fire base croke October 1969 Haven't got a clue what these two are doing. Haven't got a clue what these two are doing. Receiving a fire mission. ( 5 section b btry 1/27) Receiving a fire mission.  ( 5 section b btry 1/27)
  Keeping the fuses tight. ( 5th section b btry 1/27) Keeping the fuses tight.  ( 5th section b btry 1/27) Always ready to shoot at a moments notice. Lives are depending on you and time lost is lives lost. ( 4th section b btry 1/27 arty) Always ready to shoot at a moments notice. Lives are depending on you and time lost is lives lost.   ( 4th section b btry  1/27 arty) A fire support base is always in need of repairs. The back blast from the mussel reaps havik on sandbags. (4th section b btry 1/27) A fire support base is always in need of repairs. The back blast from the mussel reaps havik on sandbags.   (4th section b btry  1/27)
  4th section b btry 1/27 ammo resupply ( 4 section b btry 1/27) 4th section b btry 1/27 ammo resupply  ( 4 section b btry 1/27) B btry 1/27 battery commander B btry 1/27  battery commander B BTRY 1/27 FIRST SERGEANT B BTRY 1/27 FIRST SERGEANT
  The 1sg and battery clerk The 1sg and battery clerk B btry 1/27 battery clerk B btry 1/27 battery clerk B btry 1/27 commo section B btry 1/27 commo section
  B btry 1/27 fire direction center m577 command track was a mobile home for FDC for over a year. B btry 1/27 fire direction center m577 command track was a mobile home for FDC for over a year. Clearing the m-60 Clearing the m-60 B btry 1/27 FDC receiving a fire mission B btry 1/27 FDC receiving a fire mission
  B btry 1/27 FDC plotting the grid B btry 1/27 FDC plotting the grid B btry 1/27 FDC operating the fadac B btry 1/27 FDC operating the fadac B btry 1/27 FDC maintaining the on track generator B btry 1/27 FDC maintaining the on track generator
  B btry 1/27 FDC compiling the met data. B btry 1/27 FDC compiling the met data. Supply section b btry 1/27 keeping supplies flowing to a btry which is completely out of the area requires a gigantic effort. Supply section b btry 1/27 keeping supplies flowing to a btry which is completely out of the area requires a gigantic effort. the armorer maintains and controls the individual weapons. the armorer maintains and controls the individual weapons.
  The XO Post b btry 1/27 checking the lay. The XO Post b btry 1/27 checking the lay. The lay must be checked daily. The lay must be checked daily. verifying the data verifying the data
  order to fire. order to fire. 1st section b btry 1/27 removing the muzzle brake. 1st section b btry 1/27  removing the muzzle brake. 1ST SECTION B btry 1/27 reinforcing the ammo bunker sometimes is a daily task. 1ST SECTION B btry 1/27 reinforcing the ammo bunker sometimes is a daily task.
  2nd section b btry 1/27 daily maintenance 2nd section b btry 1/27 daily maintenance 2nd section b btry war is hell 2nd section b btry  war is hell 2nd section b btry 1/27 i don't have a clue 2nd section b btry 1/27 i don't have a clue
  2nd section b btry 1/27 individual training records showed three hrs. of pt. 2nd section b btry 1/27 individual training records showed three hrs. of pt. 3rd section b btry 1/27 preparing to fuze. 3rd section b btry 1/27 preparing to fuze. 3rd section b btry 1/27 posing for the camera. 3rd section b btry 1/27  posing for the camera.
  3rd section b btry Ramming the round using a hydraulic rammer. when lives are on the line you use your fist. 3rd section b btry   Ramming the round using a hydraulic rammer. when lives are on the line you use your fist. I think these guys were doing some cleaning or maybe getting ready for a road trip. That's Mike from LA. at the rear of the gun and the guy on top i can;t remember his name but i know he had a bad case of sun poison I think these guys were doing some cleaning or maybe getting ready for a road trip. That's  Mike from LA. at the rear of the gun and the guy on top i can;t remember his name but i know he had a bad case of sun poison 155 s.p.(death at rest) This photo was taken late one evening at fire base Washington. 155 s.p.(death at rest) This photo was taken late one evening at fire base Washington.
  I dropped a projectile on my foot. was thinking how bad that sucker hurt. Shit happens in war but its the little things that hurt the most. Taken at F.B.Washington 1969. I dropped a projectile on my foot. was thinking how bad that sucker hurt. Shit happens in war but its the little things that hurt the most. Taken at F.B.Washington 1969. taken on graduation day at ft. sill OK. artillery training taken on graduation day at ft. sill OK. artillery training taken during a support mission with the 25th inf. to the base of the black virgin mountain. taken during a support mission with the 25th inf. to the base of the black virgin mountain.
  picture of black virgin mountain taken from fire base Washington 1968 picture of black virgin mountain taken from fire base Washington 1968 This is a picture of Larry Hobbs from Indiana the son-n-law of Lou Williams (deceased) taken in early 60s or late 50s. This is a picture of Larry Hobbs from Indiana the son-n-law of Lou Williams (deceased) taken in early 60s or late 50s. myself and tehern @ Ft.Lewis Washington myself and tehern @ Ft.Lewis Washington
  Myself and Larry Wade at Fort Sill OK Myself and Larry Wade at Fort Sill OK