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Today in Military History (June)
Joined: 02/12/2008
Posts: 346 Ohio
Post what you know happened on This Day in Military History during the month of June.

6/1/2009 5:24:30 PM | Edit

6/1/2009 5:24:43 PM

Joined: 02/12/2008
Posts: 346 Ohio
June 1, 1942

The Liberty Brigade newspaper for the first time makes public the news of the concentration camps to the public. Chelmno camp in Poland was reported by a person who escaped the death camp to the newspaper. The public would not have any idea to the extent of the deaths camps until the war ended, even then it was hard to believe how many millions were murdered.

6/2/2009 5:44:57 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
June 2, 1995

Scott O’Grady is shot down over Bosnia by a surface to air missile. After ejecting from his F-16 Scott survived for six days by living off the land and avoiding the Serbians until he was extracted by the 24th Marine Expedition Unit. O’grady and the extraction became a poster child on exactly how to survive in enemy territory and how to successfully be extracted.

6/3/2009 5:07:19 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
June 3, 1970

President Nixon declares the assaults into Cambodia are a success. Before the assaults took place Cambodia was a haven for the North Vietnamese who could cross the border without fear of the United States following. If one wants to read more about the incursions into Cambodia and its success, search for Eldon Erlenbach who was part of the assaults.

6/4/2009 4:49:35 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
June 4, 1942

Dutch Harbor in the Aleutian Islands of Alaska was attacked by the Japanese. Today Dutch Harbor has been made famous for its King Crab and the Discovery show Deadliest Catch. The Dutch Harbor Naval Base and Fort Mears were bombed from Japanese carriers, inflicting some damage. Along with Pearl Harbor, Dutch Harbor was the only defense for the United States in the Pacific. Shortly after Japan invaded and occupied some Aleutian Islands for a large majority of World War II which few people realize that United States soil was not only attacked but occupied by the Japanese.

6/5/2009 4:09:33 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
June 5, 1967

She “Six Day War” started on this day and was over in literally six days. Essentially the Arab states aligned against Israel but was more driven by Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. Egypt amassed thousands of tanks and soldiers on the Israeli border and also closed the Straits of Tiran. Israel responded quickly by amassing its forces and actually started the attack against Egypt’s forces. By wars end Israel had increased its territory and the continuation of the hostilities in the Middle East can be traced back to this spark. The United States and Britain also lost a lot of diplomacy for supporting Israel and even brought a real chance of war against the Soviets.

6/6/2009 3:34:31 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
June 6, 1944

D-Day Operation Overlord started today in World War II. The liberation of Europe would start in Normandy, France by the largest amphibious landing in military history. The toughest fighting would be seen on Omaha beach, featured in the movie Saving Private Ryan. The invasion plan suffered numerous pitfalls but it caught the German’s and Hitler off guard as to where the primary invasion force would come from. Soon the Allied Armies would roll through France quickly pushing the German’s out. The war was to be over by Christmas until the Battle of the Bulge began dragging out the war until May of 1945.

6/7/2009 2:41:24 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
June 7, 1981

Operation Opera was a successful attack on Iraqi nuclear installations by Israel. In a mostly unknown act Saddam Hussein had purchased nuclear technology from France and to which the so called nuclear reactor was be used for science experiments. Israel did not believe the Iraqi government and during the last stage before the reactor would go online, Israel saw its chance and sent modified F-16’s on a mission to blow up the installation. The mission was a success even though it pushed the envelope of the F-16’s operating range and flew over Arab states.

6/8/2009 5:42:22 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
June 8, 1809

Thomas Paine died on this day. Proving that sometimes in warfare the pen is mightier than the sword. Paine wrote Common Sense a for independence letter that would sum up the American Revolution. Common Sense targeted the average person whom could relate and started people talking about revolution. Paine also wrote the Rights of Man which influenced the French Revolution. His books became an inspiration for ideas both for and against which appealed to many people.

6/9/2009 5:43:49 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
June 9, 1964

President Johnson received a memo about the domino theory his administration had embraced. The CIA report essentially said that any spread of communism outside of Vietnam and Cambodia and the rest of the countries would take a long time and not all fall. Japan as an ally could help deter China and Korea from making moves. President Johnson apparently ignored this memo.

6/10/2009 4:48:58 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
June 10, 1940

Italy declares war on France and Great Britain. Mussolini was cautious of joining the Axis powers from the beginning but after seeing German’s blitzkrieg and opportunities Mussolini may have changed his mind and wanted in on world domination. No know for sure but what is for sure is that the Allies reacted quickly against Italy and Italy would soon be way over its head. Italians were lovers not fighters as many World War II veterans say.

6/11/2009 5:14:21 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
June 11, 1864

Battle of Trevilian Station occurred on this day in a Civil War battle of General Grant versus General Lee. General known as the largest all cavalry battle of the war, the Confederates under Lee defeated the Union cavalry by a negligible margin. After just two weeks the railway was back online.

6/12/2009 4:09:31 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
June 12, 1942

Anne Frank begins to write her diary on her 13th birthday. Anne was born in Germany but in 1933 when Hitler started what would become the Holocaust her family moved to the Netherlands. When Germany started occupying the Netherlands in 1940 her Jewish family went into hiding. They held out as long as they could until they were captured and sent to a concentration camp because they were Jewish. Her father was the only survivor from World War II and published her diary in English in 1952. The Diary of Anne Frank is one of the most recognized World War II Holocaust stories.

6/13/2009 8:43:49 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
June 13, 1924

George H. W. Bush was born on this day. Bush entered the Navy in World War II age 18 in 1942. He became the youngest Naval Aviator at that time before he was 19. In 1944 flying a mission against the Japanese Bush took flak and later had to bail out of his TBM Avenger. Bush was soon rescued by a submarine and went back to fly more missions. Bush would fly 58 missions in World War II.

6/14/2009 5:40:37 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
June 14, 1777

The second Continental Congress adopted the flag in 1777 on this day. President Woodrow Wilson creating this day as the official Flag Day of the United States and later became an act of Congress. Numerous VFW’s celebrate this day by holding American Flag retirement celebrations. There are very detailed set of rules to be followed in order to retire a flag and it involves burning the flag as a tribune.

6/15/2009 6:50:33 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
June 15, 1917

Congress passed the Espionage Act shortly after entering World War I. The United States was the melting pot of Europeans so Woodrow Wilson was concerned about immigrants still being loyal to their motherlands, passes an act which penalizes anyone acting against the interest of the Armed Forces of the United States.

6/16/2009 5:43:13 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
June 16, 1977

Wernher von Braun died on this day at the age of 65. Von Braun was the premiere rocket scientist for the Nazis in World War II. Von Braun in his twenties was so far ahead of his time that every country in the world wanted him. He created the V2 rocket for the Nazis and when the war came to an end the United States accepted him. Von Braun would go onto create the ICBM program and later created the Saturn V which propelled man to the moon.

6/17/2009 9:27:00 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
June 17, 1775

Battle of Bunker Hill, Boston occurred on this day during the revolutionary war. The battle was actually fought on a different hill. The British actually won the battle but took heavy losses. This battle showed that the American forces could stand up against the British regulars giving them the hope and inspiration they needed to start and continue the revolution.

6/18/2009 6:00:03 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
June 18, 1812

The War of 1812 officially begins when President James Madison signs the declaration of war against Great Britain. The war started due to numerous decisions made by Great Britain to impede progress in the United States. The war ended two years later of fighting and neither side had the upper hand. Great Britain was more focused on the Napoleonic wars and both sides were ready for peace.

6/19/2009 1:31:31 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
June 19, 1953

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed on this day for espionage. They were passing atomic bomb secrets to the Soviets. They were the first civilians executed and was quite an extreme punishment as none of the co-conspirators suffered death nor were later traitors subjected to the same penalty. It is uncertain how much of a role Ethel really played but this was the 1950’s and communism was a huge fear that was treated worse than murder.

6/20/2009 9:51:28 AM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
June 20, 1941

United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) is formed from the Army Air Corps. As the Air Force was greatly expanding its size because of World War II it meant that is needed a more independent structure in order to grow more efficiently. It was not until 1947 before the Air Force became completely independent from the Army but this was the first large step towards autonomy.

6/21/2009 4:28:50 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
June 21

Creator of is born. History must be perserved for future generations to learn from.

6/22/2009 5:34:57 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
June 22, 1941

Germany initiates operation Barbarossa the invasion of Soviet Union. Both countries had a non –aggression pact with each other but Hitler was not about to obey it after the Soviets were pushing in on his oil supply lines. Germany would take one of the largest armies in history into battle and initially dominated the larger Russian army very quickly. It was not until Hitler was knocking on Stalin’s door did the Russian’s start their expulsion of Germany from their country. Due to a logistics, a two front war and huge weather challenge.

6/23/2009 5:40:03 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
June 23, 1933

USS Macon was commissioned on this day. It was the last rigid airship of its kind for United States Navy. It was just 20 feet shorter than the infamous Hindenburg and even contained more helium than the Hindenburg. Like most helium filled airships, it crashed after less than two years in service. The USS Macon was used as a aircraft carrier for biplanes.

6/24/2009 5:51:40 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
June 24, 1948

The Soviet Union blocks all traffic to West Berlin as the United States and the Soviet Union differ on the future of Germany. The Soviets wanted Germany to pay for World War II in every way while the American’s wanted Germany to balance the powers in Europe. So the cold war begins. The United States respond by an enormous logistical effort called the Berlin Airlift. This coup against the Soviets embarrassed them and demonstrated the power of American resolve. The blockade would end in 11 months.

6/25/2009 9:10:09 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
June 25, 1950

North Korea invades South Korea when attempts by both sides to unify Korea their way failed. The 38th parallel marks the divide then and now. The conflict would end in July of 1953 with an armistice. The war would become a proxy war between the Soviet Union and United States that would only strengthen the onset of the cold war. Do a search for Carl Cossin on to read about the real forgotten war and how North Korean’s brutally murdered hundreds in Cossin’s 24th Infantry Division.

6/26/2009 4:35:32 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
June 26, 1898

Wilhelm Messerschmitt is born. He created the company that would design the infamous Bf 109 which dominated the skies in the early years of Germany’s blitzkrieg of World War 2. The Bf 109 would set the stage for the next generation of fighters that would come after it. Wilhelm also invented the ME 262 which was truly the first combat operation jet fighter but was implemented too late with too few planes and trained pilots to have any impact on the war.

6/27/2009 9:16:59 AM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
June 27, 1942

Operation Pastorius was foiled and the story was broke to the press on this day. Operation Pastorius was a plot by Hitler to send 8 Nazi saboteurs to the United States mainland. U-boats landed in Long Island and eight men started out on their mission to destroy targets like hydro-electric plants, river locks, railroads, bridges, and manufacturing plants. The plot was foiled when one of the men George Dasch, defected to the FBI and explained the plan in detail. J Edgar Hoover would spin the story to the press and President about the elite FBI foiling the plot when the truth is that the country was very luck on this day.

6/28/2009 11:40:47 AM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
June 28, 1914

Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife were killed sparking World War I. He was assimilated in Sarajevo, which led to Austria-Hungary declaration of war with Serbia. This then led the allies on each side to declare war on each other escalating the assassination into a world whim of uncontrollable events which may have even happened without the incident but it traditionally known as the spark the started would be called the Great War.

6/29/2009 5:49:21 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
June 29, 1945

Operation Olympic is set for November 1st, the invasion of Japan. Thanks to atomic bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima the invasion never came. Operation Olympic was the allied plan to invade south Japan and it was estimated to take very heavy casualties. The following spring Operation Coronet would move to the center mainland with even higher casualties to be expected. Neither plan ever came into play but it would have been the largest naval invasion in history and is a much debated topic on actual casualties.

6/30/2009 5:55:34 PM

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Posts: 346 Ohio
June 30, 1943

Operation Cartwheel kicked of a series of operations orchestrated by General MacArthur to push the Japanese out of Rabaul and surrounding areas. The operation took nine months and accomplished its objectives. Rabaul was a major forward base for the Japanese and when the allies captured it, it became a major base for the allies. Check out George Momirov’s bio as he was stationed in Rabaul with the Skull and Crossbones squadron which flew the F4U Corsair.

2/26/2010 9:51:07 AM
Edward F Sheehan
Edward F Sheehan

Joined: 02/26/2010
Posts: 1
June 25, 1876 Gen George A Custer and five companies of the US 7th Cavalary were wiped out at the battle of the Little Big Horn.